Google Knowledge Graph: 5 Steps to Own One (With Tips)

google knowledge graph

Google Knowledge Graph API is a revolutionary knowledge base where the relevant information is in the form of an info box. Interestingly, this form of knowledge supplanting is transforming the way searchers look for results.

Search engine designers have built this feature to save users from the painstaking effort of finding answers from multiple web pages.

Therefore, it now compiles all relatable pieces of information about a particular topic and displays them in different knowledge panels. Such an arrangement lets searchers find data in one place.

Getting into the knowledge graph requires meticulous planning and a top-notch content strategy. An individual’s SEO efforts have their limitations, and therefore, we suggest you seek expert help from agencies like Authority Magnet.

What is Google Knowledge Graph?

What is Google Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph finds you the most relevant answers by ‘scraping’ through its information database. It means you do not have to click on a hyperlink to reach a website and find the answer from a page full of text.

For instance, if you enter Larry Page on the search bar, the search engine will provide a simplified version of relevant results. The search doesn’t limit to hyperlinks to authoritative pages but provides additional information about his personal and professional life.

According to Google: ‘The Knowledge Graph enables you to search for things, people or places that Google knows about—landmarks, celebrities, cities, sports teams, buildings, geographical features, movies, celestial objects, works of art and more—and instantly get information that’s relevant to your query. This is a critical first step towards building the next generation of search, which taps into the collective intelligence of the web and understands the world a bit more as people do.’

In brief, Google Knowledge Graph is an enormous directory of information. It enables the search engine to provide the searcher with immediate and factual search results that match the user’s queries.

How Does Google Knowledge Graph Work And Where To Find Them?

How Does Google Knowledge Graph Work and Where To Find Them

In 2012, Google introduced Knowledge Graph as ‘things, not strings.’ With this slogan, the search engine company wanted to explore ‘real-world entities and their relationships to one another.’

But how does Google Knowledge Graph function?

The information databases functions on two basic parameters:

1. Entities


Developers call each article an entity or a topic. These entities can be any real-world incident, name, or place.

Like any other database, the Google information bank carries identifiers. These identifiers categorize your searches under specific labels for easy access to search results.

Some of these labels are:

  • A Name
  • A Description
  • List of Image URL
  • Detailed Description

2. Relationships


It signifies the link that connects the dots between different topics.

Consider a Google knowledge graph example. Suppose you enter Elvis Presley as the entity.

Then, Elvis’ personal life details and career, including his awards and albums, are visible in the results when the crawlers connect one entity to the other.

In a nutshell, the collaboration of entities and relationships forms the Knowledge Graph as a mind map.

Moreover, the Knowledge Graph provides immediate answers for queries like ‘Who sang If I Can Dream?’ or ‘Famous rock and roll singers’.

The query doesn’t mention Elvis Presley, but Google understands the user’s search intention. Thus, the search engine provides the necessary and possible answers in the Knowledge Graph.

Note: In Android smartphones, Knowledge Graphs appear in the Discover feature, present on the homepage.

How does that help a user?

Google keeps track of your interests. Likewise, it prepares relevant results based on your preferred topics. You can find similar results on Google Trends.

With Google Trends, a content analyst can find the trending entities and how they can connect with each other.

Huge SEO Benefits of Google Knowledge Graph

The mere mechanism of crawling and indexing web pages has its limitations. In contrast, when a website organizes its information by topic, the search engine can reap several benefits, like content diversity, information integrity, and speed of accessibility.

According to SEO experts, making the knowledge graph a part of your SEO strategies can transform your overall digital presence. With the Google Knowledge Graph, a user gets quality results while your content receives more traffic.

Some ways Knowledge Graphs impact your SEO metrics:

1. Better Understanding of Search Intent

Better Understanding of Search Intent

Multiple SEO experts have said that links are essential to assess the quality of a webpage and its relevance. Moreover, people don’t use simple keywords to search for a topic.

They use long descriptions or long-tailed keywords to indicate a particular search topic. That’s where the Knowledge Graph appears because it moves beyond the usual keyword range and delivers content closely related to the query.

For instance, enter ‘the boy who lived’ in the search bar. Immediately, the engine will revert to ‘Harry Potter’ as the answer.

Though you didn’t mention Harry Potter in the search query, the search engine understands your search intent and displays results that meet your search demand.

2. Enhances Voice Search

Enhances Voice Search

Voice searches are the future of web surfing. According to Google’s blogs, Google Assistant is built into over one billion devices.

In addition, almost 70% of searches take place in the native languages, thus prioritizing the voice search mechanism over Google surfing.

But how does a Knowledge Graph help in this matter?

Our typed searches differ from voice searches. A Knowledge Graph allows the search engine to decipher the entities and find the link between them before displaying a response.

Ask Google assistant, ‘Who played Hermione Granger in Harry Potter?’ The digital assistant will deliver the result as Emma Watson.

That’s because Knowledge Graph could identify the two entities — Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. By linking them together, the search engine found Emma Watson.

Note: The voice search algorithm considers your recent search history topics. Keeping them in mind, Google can easily pull answers to your questions.

3. Increased Online Exposure

Increased Online Exposure

The Knowledge Graph occupies a significant portion of the SERP. Features like Knowledge Panels and Knowledge Cards constitute the entire graph of a topic.

It further means if you get into the Knowledge Graph, your higher SERP positions will draw more traffic and occupy a significant amount of digital real estate. Above, acquiring Knowledge Graphs means increased website credibility and domain authority.

In many cases, searchers will find your icon popping up even for unbranded searches.

How To Get Into Google Knowledge Graph?

The preliminary step to get into Knowledge Graph entails choosing the right niche. Next, pick a topic that lacks a Knowledge Graph and increases your chances of getting into the graph section on the SERP.

Below are the five steps following which you can devise your content marketing strategy and get to occupy a knowledge panel in the SERP graph:

Step 1: Create a Wikipedia Page

Step 1 Create a Wikipedia Page

Wikipedia is the reservoir of all information, and like any of its users, the Knowledge Graph pulls answers from it.


Wikipedia, an open-source forum, is 99.5% accurate.

It’s always helpful to create a Wikipedia Page named after your company. When the search engine finds your content with relevant answers to search queries, the Knowledge Graph will compile its charts by scraping your wiki page for information.

Creating a Wikipedia page is very simple and entails the following steps:

Create an Account

On visiting the Wikipedia page, click the ‘Create Account’ option at the top right corner. Fill in the fields like Username, Email Address, and Password. Once done, press ‘Create Your Account.’

Become an Auto-Confirmed User

Gain the trust of the search engine by becoming an auto-confirmed user. Edit the pre-existing Wikipedia pages to gain user credibility.

Create Your Page

After spending almost a month editing old Wiki pages, create your official page with a few things in mind.

Remember to curate fresh and information-rich content. Moreover, continually improve your content’s readability and maintain error-free presentability. Also, refer only to books, journals, newspapers, and articles as your source information, while press releases and social media posts qualify as invalid reference sources.

Submit The Page

Once completed setting up the page and the content, you can submit it to the portal. Wikipedia will scan through it, checking the validity and credibility of your sources. If Wikipedia deems your page valid, you get a platform to post it.

Note: Remember to update your content regularly to maintain topical relevancy.

Step 2: Activate Your Social Media Profiles

Step 2 Activate Your Social Media Profiles

Social media accounts are essential in stimulating your holistic SEO health and occupy a crucial space in the Knowledge Graph.

Being active on social media is significant for building a resonating brand reputation.

What more?

The social media profiles of a company and its owners let users and search engines learn more about its products and services and how it functions. In addition, it gives your potential customer base clarity, brings your company under a broader focus, and lets your audience find company media profiles with no hassles.

Considering creating profiles on the following four big influencing platforms:

  • Facebook (Meta)
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest

Several social media platforms are available, but Knowledge Graphs typically display these social networks.

Step 3: Add Structured Data

Step 3 Add Structured Data

Structured data, or schema markup, allows search engines to read and understand web pages and their utilities.

Despite being a little tricky to use, structured data is essential in informing Google about your company website. That way, the search engine can crawl and index the necessary pages as per the source code.

You don’t have to be a seasoned coder to implement schema markup. Either seek professional help from reliable agencies like Authority Magnet or head to and manage it yourself.

Why use schema?

Schema markup can stimulate your click-through rate and enhance your online presence.

Optimize your structured data by providing essential details like meta descriptions, title tags, and primary keywords.

Step 4: Refresh Your Content And Format

Step 4 Refresh Your Content and Format

While creating content for Google’s SERP feature graph, ensure you write for the audience and the algorithm. When you prioritize user search intent, it offers better facilities for a user experience, and Google’s ranking algorithms prefer that.

Note: SEO experts say when content creators write content with users in mind, they automatically grab the search engine’s attention.

Fill your content with information concerning your company services, real-world examples, images, and other visual assets, and link to inbound or external pages.

Remember, Knowledge Graphs display exceptional and authentic information. When you provide average or outdated details in your content, Google wouldn’t prioritize your content, nor will you get a better SERP ranking.

Beat your competitors at this game by analyzing their content and implementing an updated strategy to your content format. Let a host of experienced writers handle your content and pave the path to digital dominance.

Step 5: Use Proper Keywords

Step 5 Use Proper Keywords

Optimize your content with proper keyword density and lure search engine crawlers to find your content at every relevant search query.

Keywords are an influential SEO ranking factor, and therefore their search volume and usage can impact your content reach. For the Knowledge Graph to scrape information from your content, ensure you use keywords of high search volume for the target entity.

Besides the title tag and meta description, primary keywords should appear in your headings, alt texts of images and visual assets, and the domain URL. Sprinkle secondary keywords across the content body and in the introduction.

That way, the latent semantic keywords draw the crawler’s attention and present relevant materials for the search query.

Tips To Optimize Websites For Knowledge Graphs

Getting into a Knowledge Graph depends on your company’s overall online authority. If you’ve got a small company with an average online presence, prioritize increasing your company’s dominance over digital real estate.

With the following tips, you can further enhance the possibility of getting into the knowledge graph:

1. Earn Links From Authoritative Sites

Earn Links From Authoritative Sites

On a Wikipedia content page, you must have noticed how they link to reputed company pages. That’s how these authoritative websites earn backlinks and win the reliability of the customers.

Note: Wikipedia will only extract information if you’re a reputed company. That means smaller brands don’t stand a chance.

However, after Wikipedia, the Knowledge Graph pulls information from LinkedIn and Crunchbase. These two platforms can be an appropriate starting point for smaller brands.

Furthermore, use tools like Backlink Gap to find backlinking opportunities. It helps you find a list of domains that link to your competitors.

2. Create a Google Business Profile

Create a Google Business Profile

Are you a business owner? Sign up for your business on the Google Business Profile. It’s a free Google tool that enables you to manage your presence on a digital platform and be accessible to a prospective customer base.

The profile is very similar to a knowledge panel. It contains more information about your business, your products and services, store addresses, contact details, and customer testimonies.

Make sure it’s 100% accurate to increase your chances of getting into the SERP feature graph.


Seasoned SEO experts reflect that the knowledge graph will continue to thrive over time. It has been helping several brands grow on the digital premise, and it will continue to do so in the near future.

Google is already implementing ‘entity-first indexing’. Therefore, web admins are working towards exploiting knowledge graphs to their advantage.

If you haven’t got around to using the knowledge graph, reach out to Authority Magnet. Contact their team of experts to automate your process of acquiring a knowledge graph for your brand.

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